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Risk Analysis

Revision: a
Project Name: Customer Name:
Work Order #: Work Order Rev:
Date: Charge Account #:
PO/Contract #: PO/Contract Change #:
Part #: Part # Rev:
Risk Evaluator:
Risk Identification
Cost  Design Process  Environmental  External  Management  Organizational  Project Management  Regulatory  Schedule  Suppliers  Technical  Other 
Explain Other:
Risk Assessment
Level of Risk: High  Key  Low 
Risk Analysis: Qualitative  Quantitative 
Explain Risk Analysis:
Risk Planning
Identical  Red-Flag List  Formal Plan 
Explain Identical Plan:
Red-Flag Item List:
Formal Plan:
Risk Charter:
Risk Response
Accept  Avoid  Mitigate  Transfer 
Risk Acceptance:
Risk Avoidance:
Risk Mitigation:
Risk Transference:
Responsibility: Company  Partner  Subcontractor  Supplier  Other 
Explain Other and Multiple Selections: